If I had a dollar for every time I was asked to “name three songs by *insert name of band that I am currently wearing on my T-shirt*”…. I could probably buy their franchise LOL. Odds are I probably can’t even name two songs… so I might not be the most loyal fan (oops) but I sure do love a good grungy band tee. In fact, this might be one of my favorite trends to date!

I love band tees because they are shockingly so versatile. Now, I’m sure you’re probably thinking “how is a grungy T-shirt worn with anything but leggings or jeans?” And the answer is simple- shoes & accessories. Looking for ultra casual? Pair a tee with biker shorts and sneakers. Want to dress it up? Front knot the tee and throw on a midi skirt and pumps. I love items that I can rewear many times in many different ways!

Rounding up my favorite band tees within all price ranges! All images were taken by Victoria Saperstein.